Monday, November 24, 2008

Jury Duty

I had the honor of spending the better part of my day in the Wyandotte County Courthouse......not by choice or because I was naughty!!!! I was called to fulfill my civic duty and report to Jury Duty. We have lived here almost 6 years and this is the 2nd time I have been called. I have never been called to Jury Duty any where else I have lived......I am strongly questioning living in this county!!!!

One would think that those big old buildings would be cold so being the smart thinker that I am I wore a long sleeve shirt and a sweater..................WRONG THING TO DO!!!! It had to be around 85-90 degrees in both buildings........I finally broke down and took my shirt off.......I was schfitzing in November!!!!

The process to pick the jury lasted longer than the trail did......oh yea I was picked for the jury.....I was juror #9!!! I did more waiting and sitting around than anything but it was an adventure and I met some fun people. Four of us ventured off for lunch and found an authentic Honduras was yummy!!!

I know that serving on Jury duty can be a real inconvenience and sometimes a waste of time but that is a small inconvenience to deal with in order to have the freedoms that we have. It is my right and my duty and I was glad I got to serve. At least I am off of the hook for another year!!!


missy said...

hey that sounds worth it to me....lunch!!!!! do you have to go back?!!?!?!!?

Jacq ;) said...

Knock wood, I have never had to serve on jury duty (I've never even been called). I probably just jinxed myself - :) My guess is that it's not like in the movies??